
oh this time...

of year can be downright exhausting. but you know what, (i’ll use another ex word here) it is exhilarating as well. people hustling about shopping or creating; dressing their houses, businesses and the like in holiday cheer; the preparation of large meals to be shared with those we love (and sometimes love to hate); secret santa mischief played out between co-workers; looking at the year to come for the endless possibilities, opportunities, and resolutions offered; the list goes on. it is a lot of work to be had– but i do believe we only have a few scrooges in this world; most consider the reward far worth it.

Snowflake Lane

i posted recently about the programs and fundraisers and events the museum is planning for next year. what do you, oh glorious public, think of our ideas? what programming are we lacking or how can we strengthen current programs? we are using this forum to (hopefully) reach out to a demographic currently untapped. (our hidden location often serves as an invisible cloak :)) so what do you think, public? as we gear up for all the hard work ahead, we want to make sure our tasks at hand are well worth the cause in serving this community.

i implore you. take a moment to think about what events, classes, exhibits you would like to see at the Fayetteville Museum of Art. we are splashed all over the papers regarding our future status– how about what we are doing now? leave a comment with your ideas, i promise we will take it to heart.

-your loyal office administrator


focusing on the new year

the museum has been in preparation mode, looking at our calendar for the coming year to plan lots of exciting events.

save the date!

Dennis Draughon CartoonExhibit Premiere Party (January 16, 2009)

Gallery 208 Premiere Party: Dennis Draughon (January 22, 2009)

Girls Night Out: Breakfast at Tiffany’s (January 30, 2009) Tiffany Tease

Art Opening

Exhibit Premiere Party (March 13, 2009)

Museum Miles 5K & 1 Mile Fun Walk (March 21, 2009)

Roaring Twenties Young Affiliate Party (April 3 or 4, 2009)

Gallery 208 Premiere Party: Silvana Foti (April 16, 2009)

Children's ArtArt Consignment Sale (April 24, 2009)

Spectacular Children’s Art Festival (April 30, 2009)

Kentucky Derby Gala (May 2, 2009)

Exhibit Premiere Party (May 15, 2009)


Don’t those sound like a lot of cool and exciting events? Just typing them out makes me dizzy with all of the fun preparation work ahead. Details will be forthcoming. Museum staff’s feet may be tired– but there sure will be a lot of event opportunities for those interested in the arts of Fayetteville! Whew.

-your loyal Office Administrator, Erica Gilbert


throw your money on art

Casino Night Invite

So I just absolutely had to tell everyone about the Museum’s hottest and most fun night of the year! This Saturday, at 6:30pm the Museum will host it’s fall fundraiser– a Casino Night gawdily luxurious with all the Vegas trimmings. (A perfect way to prep for the tedious holiday season ahead.)

Each ticket is $75 and gets you $50 bucks in “play” gaming money in which you purchase art related prizes with your “winnings” at the end of the night. Free alcohol and hors d’oeuvres will abound– keeping your game fierce. Come hone your black jack or chuck-o-luck skills, or take a chance at our roulette tables.

Fun should be had by all– and with a great cause– championing the art of Fayetteville!

(Maybe I will actually learn how to play Poker!)

-your loyal Office Administrator, Ms. Erica Gilbert