
Call for Sculpture

Here’s an opportunity that as a sculptor, you shouldn’t miss!

Call for Sculpture Entries

Fayetteville, NC


Entry Deadline: Friday, March 6, 2009

Notification: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Installation: April 15-17, 2009

Exhibition: April 20, 2009 through April 1, 2010

Removal of Works: April 1-2, 2010

The Fayetteville Arts Community has made a commitment to placing sculpture throughout our downtown area. A unique partnership between the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County, the Fayetteville Museum of Art, and the City of Fayetteville has been formed to exhibit public art within our community. The exhibition will be open to artists 18 years of age and older. Five completed works will be chosen for installation in Fayetteville’s Festival Park located at 345 Ray Avenue, Fayetteville, NC.

Exhibition Guidelines

Completed Works

This category includes sculptures that have been previously completed and are ready to install. Sculptors may enter a maximum of three completed works (two views of each work for a total of six jpegs). Each individual sculpture entry must include the cost of one year’s rental.

The selected works are to be exhibited in Fayetteville’s Festival Park from April 20, 2009 through April 1, 2010. Work must be suitable for outdoor installation: a) able to be structurally secured to a concrete pad with anchor bolts or similar devices; b) be capable of withstanding adverse weather conditions; c) withstand a high traffic environment; d) and should take into consideration the safety of the audience. Works judged unsuitable will not be considered for the exhibition.

Artists are responsible for the timely installation and removal of all works. Works must be installed during the dates of April 15 – 17, 2009 and removed April 1-2, 2010. A crane will be available for one day only during the installation/de-installation period. Artists unable to meet the scheduled installation and removal requirements are not eligible. The artists are responsible for shipping and delivering the works to and from Fayetteville, NC.

Artists may sell the work during the exhibition; however, the work must remain on site for the duration of the exhibition. The sponsoring agency, the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County will retain 30% of the purchase price.

Liability: The Fayetteville Museum of Art will provide insurance coverage during the exhibition from April 15, 2009 – April 2, 2010.

Participation in the exhibition entry process constitutes an understanding and acceptance of the conditions set forth above.

Selection Process

Works will be juried by committee including representatives from the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County, Fayetteville Museum of Art, University and Community College Arts Professionals and community members.

Application Process:

Email to: Calvinm@theartscouncil.com or Michele@faymoa.org

    • 1. Send jpegs at 300dpi (up to 3 sculptures with 2 details)
    • 2. Provide title, dimensions, medium, and price
    • 3. Include installation requirements (ie. Crane))


Stimulate the Arts and Keep America Strong

I received an e-mail of this blog post, and I find it terribly fitting:

"In these times of economic crisis, it seems only rational that we should look back at our history to review what works if we want to create jobs and secure a strong economic legacy for future generations.

When faced with a collapsing economy, President Franklin Roosevelt tried to put Americans in all lines of work back on the job. Instead of singling out artists as somehow frivolous and unimportant to our nation's economy, he instituted a host of programs designed to put federal funds into the arts, employing America's creative talent and leaving a cultural legacy that endures still today.

The highpoint of this commitment was the Works Progress Administration's Federal One program, which put thousands of Americans to work in the arts. The government program was a lifeline for Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Orson Welles, Burt Lancaster, Sidney Lumet, Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, Studs Terkel, John Cheever, Saul Bellow, and thousands of other artists across the country.

These programs created much-needed jobs in the immediate term, but they did much more. They fostered great talents that otherwise may have been lost. The work of the many great artists supported by the government in the 1930s still benefits us today. Their contributions to our culture endure, and their successful careers resulted in employment for many others in the years that followed.

Today, however, many of our leaders apparently have forgotten this lesson of our not-so-distant history. Faced with an economic downturn of staggering proportions, some attack any help for the arts as waste, ignoring the millions of Americans who earn their livings and support their families through their artistic endeavors and arts-related enterprises.

The economic stimulus bill currently under consideration on Capitol Hill shouldn't neglect these Americans. The version of the bill passed by the House of Representatives contains $50 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, which provides critical support for America's not-for-profit arts institutions. This provision has been attacked as "pork" by some, while the Senate bill currently provides nothing for the NEA. To make matters worse, this week Senators stripped out a provision intended to provide the same job creating benefits for the film industry as the bill provides for other industries.

Why is it so hard for some to realize that jobs in the arts support millions of Americans and are no less worthy than any other job that puts food on the table? Economic studies indicate that 2.98 million Americans are employed in the arts or in arts-centric businesses. Each dollar allocated to the arts not only supports those individuals; the benefits flow outward to their communities and to other businesses. Movie production doesn't require only actors and directors. Stay for the credits after a film ends and you can't help but notice the incredible army of workers required to bring a story to the screen. In turn, each of those individuals and businesses spends money and pays taxes in their communities. The economic returns and stimulative effects are clear.

Beyond the finances, though, investing in the arts during these tough times can ensure that America doesn't lose a generation of creative talent to our temporary economic woes. Somewhere in America today, there are individuals with the potential of Orson Welles and the artistic gifts of Mark Rothko. It is foolhardy to attempt to save our economy by ignoring our talent"

a letter...

Dear Ms. Gilbert:

Thank you for contacting me in regard to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the economic stimulus. I appreciate learning your views on this critical issue.

On January 28, 2009, I joined 243 of my House colleagues in passing the stimulus package. This legislation, though imperfect, will effectively help jumpstart the American economy. The stimulus will save and create up to four million jobs, provide a tax cut for 95 percent of working Americans, and renovate our country's crumbling infrastructure.

By any measure, our country is struggling. Credit is frozen, consumer confidence is low, and the stock market has taken a deep plunge. Our country has seen 2 million job losses in the last four months. Ten of the counties in our district are suffering from double-digit unemployment as are more than a third of all counties across the state. These are dire times, and Congress must act swiftly.

In the face of the highest unemployment rate in 26 years and a deep state budget shortfall, North Carolina will benefit from billions of sorely needed dollars in the stimulus. Specifically, North Carolina will benefit from the following investments:

o $2.26 billion for additional Medicaid funding;

o $1.87 billion for "state fiscal stabilization funding" to help state and local governments fund education and other key services;

o $1.26 billion for education funding, including $361 million for school improvements;

o $117 million for additional funding for Supplemental Social Income (SSI).

The stimulus bill offers us a unique opportunity to create jobs while modernizing our infrastructure, making investments in weatherizing homes, retrofitting old public buildings to make them more energy efficient, and investing in smart grid technology. Further, we will rebuild our roads, bridges, transit, and waterways.

This legislation not only makes large investments, but also helps American individuals and businesses keep more of the money they earn:

o The Make Work Pay Tax Cut provides immediate and sustained tax relief to 95 percent of American workers through a refundable tax credit of up to $500 per worker ($1,000 per couple filing jointly), phasing out at $200,000 for couples filing jointly and $100,000 for single filers.

o More than 3.1 million North Carolina residents will benefit from the Making Work Pay Tax Credit.

o Allows businesses to improve cash flow by providing a 5-year carryback of net operating losses (NOLs). This would allow businesses to write off 90% of losses incurred in 2008 and 2009 against taxes assessed over the previous five years (current law limits NOL carryback to the previous two years).

Due to the size of this legislation, I have only enumerated a few of its critical provisions. If you are interested in a more detailed review of the bill, please visit my website, www.house.gov/butterfield, and click on the link for the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" under the "Issues" category.

During the 110th Congress, I voted against financial bailout legislation because I believed it did not address the problems of Main Street America. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act addresses the needs of average Americans who live in northeast North Carolina. Despite some flaws, it is the best method of reviving our economy, and putting Americans back on the path to prosperity.

Thank you again for contacting me. I welcome your opinion and appreciate your support during these difficult times.

Very truly yours,

G.K. Butterfield
Member of Congress

more girls night out pictures...

one of our lovely attendees, laura, invited us to view her pictures for the event.

you can check them out here.

also, thanks to melissa clement for featuring us in the saturday extra this weekend!




Member Name

DC Phone


Electronic Correspondence

Senator Richard Burr (R- NC)




Senator Kay Hagan (D- NC)




Representative G. K. Butterfield, Jr. (D - 01)




Representative Bobby Etheridge (D - 02)




Representative Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R - 03)




Representative David E. Price (D - 04)




Representative Virginia Foxx (R - 05)




Representative Howard Coble (R - 06)




Representative Mike McIntyre (D - 07)




Representative Larry Kissell (D - 08)




Representative Sue Myrick (R - 09)




Representative Patrick McHenry (R - 10)




Representative Heath Shuler (D - 11)




Representative Melvin L. Watt (D - 12)




Representative Brad Miller (D - 13)




Here is a little paragraph you can copy and paste to each representative/senator:

Greetings (Representative Butterfield –change the contact information for each one),

I write to you today to encourage your active support of the arts in President Obama’s new Economic Stimulus Bill. President Obama is shaping a stimulus package that has talked about both infrastructure and jobs, and it’s unclear if all of his jobs creation will be within the infrastructure bill or if there will be an additional jobs bill later. Why not encourage the focus on the arts infrastructure, i.e. repair, renovation, expansion, and new construction of arts facilities and grounds? As we work diligently to be ready to act if these funds are available, let’s be advocates for making art funding available to enrich our lives and cultural inventory. The arts can be a part of the solution to the economic dilemma our state and nation are in with your help.


(your name!)




Thanks to all the ladies who came out to take part in our FIRST Girls Night Out of the year. It was a wildly successful event that we feel everyone enjoyed. As this is a quarterly event, please feel free to send suggestions/comments to Erica Gilbert at erica@faymoa.org.



27 Dresses

The next Girls Night Out theme on (June 5, 2009) is 27 Dresses! We came to this theme by taking a vote from guests at the Breakfast at Tiffany's Girls Night Out on January 30th. 27 Dresses won by a landslide! Be looking for the details as they are formalized! We are definitely looking forward to this great event!